Sunday, July 7, 2013

Chili Pizzelles

My neighbor told me that there was a cookie contest at the fair and I decided to give it a shot and enter.  The rules asked for an original recipe, so I put my thinking cap on and got to work.  After many test ideas and feedback from my neighbor, I decided to enter a chili powder pizzelle.  Pizzelles are Italian cookies made in a press similarly to a waffle cone.  Typically they are anise flavored (black licorice).  I added enough chili powder to a normal recipe to get the flavor to pop.  I nervously entered the contest and hoped for the best.  I wandered around the fair and returned to hear the judgement.  It was at this time that I noticed that all the judges could be classified as senior citizens and would most likely not like something that didn't taste traditionally sweet and yummy like a chocolate chip cookie.  Alas, I was unsuccessful, but the experience was well worth it.  I will definitely look into doing it again in the future.  As for my recipe, just add two tablespoons of chili powder to a basic pizzelle recipe and don't add in any anise extract.  Also, I waited until all but the last cookie was eaten to take a picture, so it unfortunately is a bit broken for this picture: