I was overzealous in getting started that I started before really preparing for making this recipe. First off, the recipe is written using weight measurements and other methods that I'm sure are standard in the UK. I had to spend a good deal of time converting the measurements into USA baking measure friendly ones. I also failed to realize I was missing two ingredients. One of which was probably the greatest over-site, because it is in the name of the cake. I do not have any Assam tea. I do, however, have English breakfast since that is my favorite flavor of tea, so I substituted that in. Next I went to the fridge, pulled out my milk, and noticed that the pull date was past and well, it wasn't suitable to use. Since it wasn't a whole lot of milk being used, I just replaced it with water and continued on. The rest went rather smoothly until I came to my baking pan. It says to use a springform pan, but the only one I had was too large. In fact, the closest in size I could find was still too big, but I used it anyway. I set the temperature and cooked it as long as it said. I really should have cooked it a bit less since the pan was larger. The cake puffed up while baking and settled once I took it out.
Here it is out of the oven settled down.
Here's a slice of the cake itself. It tasted good, although, because of the larger pan, it did not come out as pictured. I don't mind, because it hit the spot and made me consider other things that I could possibly put a tea flavor into. Despite the over-sites, I would consider this cake to be a success.