Can you spot the real apple?
I had some trouble with the methods described in the What's New Cupcake? book, so I just cut a hole in the top of the cupcake and frosted over it.
Here's a side view of the cupcake.
Next I dipped the cupcakes in red sprinkles to evenly coat all the frosted area.
And then it looks just like this.
This next step is pretty difficult, or at least it was when I was showing my boyfriend how to do it:
Step one: get a tootsie roll
Step two: throw tootsie roll on the ground (as this happened accidentally)
Step three: get a new tootsie roll
Step four: pull the tootsie roll in half
Step five: shape one half of the tootsie roll into an apple stem
My boyfriend questioned the waste involved in throwing the first tootsie roll on the ground. You can skip that step if you have more skill than me at pulling the tootsie rolls apart
The last step would be to add a leaf using green tootsie roll to some of the cupcakes.